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No. 205 E,building,Chuangyi Yuan,No. 7 Xaiozhen,Yuangang Avenue,Nancun Town,Panyu District,GuangZhou. PC:510623

Carbon dioxide incubator

Carbon dioxide incubator

Brand: US-Mexican Stewart
Model : INC108/153/246
Origin: Germany

Product Description:
Carbon dioxide incubator for cell culture and in vitro fertilization , CO2 incubator accuracy and reliability is extremely important . In the training process, minor deviations in temperature or humidity will affect the cell culture . Memmert 's CO2 incubator has passed certification of medical devices in Europe . The housing ( including the CO2 sensor ) can be +160 ℃ for 4 hours under high-temperature sterilization .

Depending on your application selection module
CO2 incubator total of 7 modules can be selected , depending on the application to select different modules:

Comfort modules: two CO2 cylinders interface, and can automatically switch ( not available with O2 module or advanced modules used together )
Clean Modules: electrolytic polishing cavity laser seamless welding
Communication Module : USB interface , "Celsius" software is used for the preparation of procedures and records , circulating memory , the printer interface
CO2 module : CO2 concentration range 0 to 20%
O2 module : regulation by entering N2 O2, O2 concentration range of 1 to 20% ( in conjunction with advanced comfort module or modules used together )
Advanced Module : Contains comfort module , clean module, communication module and CO2 module
Humidity module : Dynamic humidification and dehumidification (40-97% rh), O2 setpoint recommend less than 10%

Cabinets temperature uniformity
Inside the box with six-sided design of heating and electronic humidity control , which can effectively prevent water condensation inside the box . Aluminum thermal sleeve ensures optimum moisture distribution , and in the case of a power outage long played the role of insulation .

Dynamic humidity control , humidity can ensure quick recovery

CO2 content in addition to accurate , stable and precise adjustable humidity is ideal physiological environment is an important indicator , Memmert 's CO2 incubator in two configurations , the standard model configuration humidifying water tray , controlled relative humidity of 88-97% rh . If additional dynamic humidity control system, control the relative humidity of 40-97% rh , the switching gate and humidity recovery time is shorter.

型号尺寸/说明 108 153 246
不锈钢内腔 体积 升(大约) 108 153 246
宽度 mm 560 480 640
高度 mm 480 640 640
深度(带风扇,减25mm) mm 400 500 600
不锈钢搁板或格栅板  半宽/全宽 数量 —/4 —/6 2×6/6
外部压花不锈钢 宽度 mm 710 630 790
高度(支座可调) mm 778 938 938
深度(不带门把手,门把手深度38mm) mm 550 650 750
换气 无湍流的换气系统,内部气体和温度分布均匀,换气系统在灭菌时可完全被灭菌  
温度 电子微处理温度控制器,带Pt100探头和自诊断系统  
4线制Pt100传感器,操作时若有一个坏损,有报警指示,但不影响机器正常工作   2个
温度随时间波动(依照DIN12880:2007-05) ≤±0.1 ≤±0.1 ≤±0.1
≤±0.3 ≤±0.3 ≤±0.3
二氧化碳 电子数字CO2控制器带有自动零点校准的NIDR CO2检测系统,CO2供气瓶自动转换功能,以及自诊断系统和声音错误提示  
设置精度 %CO2 0.1
调节范围 %CO2 0~10
湿度 电容式湿度传感器(可高温灭菌)  
标准水盘 数量 1 1 2
监控器 用于过温保护的微处理温度控制器带有Pt100温度探头,同时具有声光错误报警的诊断功能  
定时功能 实时/周程序编辑功能(如周一至周五)  
设置 校准(不必外接电脑),温度:控制器三点校正,CO2浓度:在5%,7%,10%进行三点校正,当更换后和每24小时NDIR CO2传感器自动进行零点校准,湿度:在20%和90%进行两点校准  
详细数据 230V,50/60Hz 时的电气负载 W(大约) 1000 1500 2000
包装尺寸 净重/毛重(包含纸箱) kg(大约) 70/78 80/96 110/125
宽度/高度/深度 cm(大约) 82/97/67 75/114/84 93/114/93
标准附件 穿孔不锈钢搁板(全宽) 数量 2 3 3
不锈钢水盘,40mm高 数量 1(全宽) 2(半宽)
  订单型号:CO2培养箱                                   INC108med INC153med INC246med
选件 108 153 246
舒适模块:两个CO2气瓶接口,且可实现自动切换 T1
洁净模块:电解抛光内腔,激光无缝焊接 T2
通讯模块:USB接口;“Celsius”软件用于编制程序和记录,循环记忆,打印机接口 T3
CO2模块:CO2浓度范围拓展到0~20% T4
高级模块:包含舒适模块、洁净模块、通讯模块、CO2模块 T5
湿度模块:动态湿度调节器(40-97%rh),包括数字显示器和自诊断系统。通过自吸式泵由外部水箱供水,此时无需使用水盘,可通过热蒸汽对进入箱体的水汽进行灭菌,用已消毒的过滤器进行干燥 K7
O2模块:通过输入氮气调节O2浓度,范围:1~20%,设置精度0.1% T6
开孔(硅胶塞住),直径40mm,用于连接,为了防止水汽进入,不用时可用硅胶塞住,后部位置(请指明位置) F7
- - K4
带锁的门(安全门) B8
两台相同体积箱体叠放配件(箱体下部要做特殊改进) G3
低电压接口(24V/2A)用于外部监视(温度和CO2浓度达到设定值) H5
CO2浓度为5%,7%和10%的校正证书(测定温度+37℃) D00106
MEMMERT提供短暂的培训(仅限欧洲),没有额外的折扣 K9

附件 108 153 246
穿孔不锈钢搁板,全宽 B00325 B00321 B03813
穿孔不锈钢搁板,半宽 - - B02742
不锈钢格栅板,全宽 E20165 E20166 E03492
水盘 B02787 B02784 B02786
支架(622mm高) B02792 B02732 B02793
支架(130mm高,用于叠放培养箱) B02794 B02740 B02795
过滤器,无菌包装 B04459
灭菌卡,进行箱体内部灭菌,不可对样品灭菌 E04337
减压阀,符合DIN8546,气缸控制 E02087
CO2连接套件,包含连接管和锁扣 B03881
外部水箱 B04712
保修期延长一年 GA2Q5


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